Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It rained that day

Crying under a shower of rain and listen to the silence of our hearts. They just stopped beating for us and for our pure love. I was hugging you tight as you were running away from me. My fear to be all alone without you; you, who makes me happy every day just saying simple "Good morning" and giving a 'beginning-of-a-day" kiss. I was crying on your shoulder as it was our very last moment together. I was kissing your thin lips as I was going to die in a second after you leave. So hard, so good. After a few hours you pop-out on my MSN saying that it was the best kiss you ever had in your life. I love you. So much. And so why am I crying right now and feeling how my heart rips off my chest? I don't want to lose you, baby, you are mine. And I feel like the moment when we will break up is coming... Things are just too perfect right now, something huge and awful is waiting for us in the end. But what if the end never will come and I am just being a silly little girl? Doesn't matter, because I would be your little silly girl...
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Heather Taylor said...

Darling, I just love your blog and the Moulin Rouge photo, a beautiful movie with a beautiful piece of prose!

xoxo Heather




Anonymous said...

love love love your blog!